Book your application call!

Remember, your membership in
Solo School includes...

🔥 My entire process for finding, pitching, closing, and serving high-value freelance clients broken down into 15 minute ND-friendly videos

🔥 Every single script and template I use to this day in my business to implement this process

🔥 2x weekly mastermind sessions, where every participant gets 1:1 feedback PLUS peer feedback, connections, and support from fellow freelancers implementing the process

🔥 Of COURSE a private FB community where we can review copy, review proposals, check in on each other, share resources, and more

🔥 My new accountability goal-tracking tool and training to use it with your business (this tool changed the course of my business, courses on this alone sell for $10k in corporate settings!)

Once you book a call, here's what happens...

You'll meet with me personally, and we'll do three things:

  1. Make sure that you are a PERFECT fit, both for the culture of the group and to get a good return on your investment in the program, should you decide to join.
  2. Thoroughly explain the program and answer any and all questions you may have.
  3. Understand your needs as a fellow neurodivergent human, and hold a space for who you really are and the support you really need.

If you're invited to join the Solo School mastermind, I'll walk you through all of the steps to activate your membership and join our community and our calls.

If not, I'll recommend some low- or no-cost resources to help you get closer to your goals.

I can't wait to get to know you better!

 - Cheryl